何雁詩IG貼與鄭俊弘咀嘴合照宣布有喜 B仔預產期為今年6月


現年29歲的何雁詩於2020年與鄭俊弘拉埋天窗,近日傳出他們造人成功並憑歌曲《Dear Little One》宣布好消息。今日(13日),何雁詩在IG貼出與鄭俊弘咀嘴的溫馨合照,並寫下長文宣布有喜,更自爆B仔預產期為今年6月,圈中好友立即留言送祝福。

何雁詩在IG貼出與鄭俊弘咀嘴的溫馨合照,宣布陀B仔,預產期為今年6月。(IG/ @honganc)



「We are pregnant! we are so excited to welcome our June baby boy in 2022, i have had soooo many dreams of being a mother and my dreams are finally coming true in the year of tiger!

When I married my soulmate Fred , I thought, “wow my life is finally complete, I can live everyday feeling safe and loved for the rest of my life”. I never thought my heart could be any fuller until the day I found out I was pregnant, there’s a life growing inside of me! We are spreading our love for each other onto another little human being! it is so exciting and overwhelming at the same time to know that our lives are going to change forever but I feel so blessed to have to most loving, funny and supportive partner I can ever wish for. For a mother, everything comes more naturally because we feel the changes physically from our hormones, but for men, it really takes a lot of empathy and care to really understand what we are going through. Fred listens when I express my worries and takes care of all my needs when I’m no longer feeling like myself, he embraces all the changes (good and bad) that we go through and we work together to prepare the best environment that we can give to our son we are going to meet soon. Nothing should ever be taken for granted and I remind myself to be grateful everyday. He’s going to be a wonderful father!!!

We like to imagine what he will be in the future, will he dance funny moves like his dad? Will he sing? Will he kung fu or golf? It’s fun to think about these things, but really, these things don’t matter at all. We only wish that our baby boy is that he is kind, healthy and happy. The rest will find its way.」

