【倫敦大火】Jamie Oliver免費招待災民 市民送水捐物資聲援


倫敦Grenfell Tower大火,估計四樓以上、遇百住客仍在危難之中。一方有難,八方支持,Jamie Oliver就免費招待災民到其餐廳用膳,而市民也發起收集物資,聲援災民。

英國著名廚師Jamie Oliver在IG 貼了一張火警的相片,並指發生火警的大廈,鄰近他旗下的意大利餐廳。他稱逾百個家庭面對無情大火,他樂意免費招待他們。「食物、飲品,全部免費,跟經理Juan講聲,我們會為你服務,給你溫暖。」



To any of the 100's of FAMILIES effected by this terrible fire at Grenfell Tower Notting hill today, You are all welcome to come hang out in my restaurant and be fed and watered by my Jamies Italian team. We are in the Westfield just around the corner. Food and drink free of charge so just go and speak to my manager Juan and we will sort you out and give you some love .... this is for victims of the fire our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all big love jamie x x x x

【全記錄:倫敦大火】20層住客恐全死 母親叫「救命」掟孩子落街

Jamie Oliver上載免費款待的帖子後,獲得逾20萬人讚好。(Jamie Oliver FB)
市民呼籲捐贈物資到教堂支援災民。( 網上截圖)


在事發Grenfell Tower附近的教堂及寺廟,就開放予災民,周圍的居民也呼籲捐贈衣服、清潔用品、玩具等。另外,有居民就送上瓶裝水到教堂。


有市民在網上發起眾籌,希望為災民籌款20萬英磅(折算港幣199萬)。成立9小時,已經達標66% ,籌得13.2萬磅。
