吳雨霏同仔仔去旅行 不忘身體力行撐母乳:將母乳餵哺正常化


吳雨霏 (Kary) 於今年為老公洪立熙 (Brian) 生了仔仔Asher之後,就全心投入湊B的生活,完全是有子萬事足。而為了給予仔仔最好的營養,Kary亦是堅持餵哺母乳的媽咪。呢日她就於她的IG story同大家分享,在航空公司哺乳室餵仔仔母乳的溫馨靚相,身體力行支持餵哺母乳,並落了hashtag #normalizebreastfeeding,意思是將母乳餵哺正常化,希望大眾不要用有色眼鏡看待。



Kary今次同老公帶埋仔仔去旅行別有一番感受,她post了一張她坐在機艙內抱住仔仔的靚相,相中的Kary笑得好滿足同好幸福,她留言表示:「To the mama traveling with kids:Before we had kids, we always say yes to adventures. We used to explore, we had more time to plan, we were spontaneous. 
Then we became parents, and those adventures seemed a little more daunting. Packing, traveling, planning with children seemed too hard. 
Then we decided to take a leap and just try it. 
Our adventure looks a little different now(and definitely a lot more tired). Our itineraries have gotten simpler, our packing has gotten more complicated... but I see the hassles are worth it. I see our kids learning to be resilient and flexible, I see them become braver and bolder. They are reminding us to slow down and be curious. We are breaking the routine to remember what really matters. It's true- they won't remember every detail of these early adventures, but that's not the point, because we don't just travel to build their memories, we travel to build their hearts. 
And our hearts, too 
You've got this, mama! 」



