李連杰細女Jada自爆曾患抑鬱症 家居隔離促復發︰以為過不了這關


李連杰同利智育有兩女,大女Jane同細女Jada已經長得亭亭玉立,之前更陪爸爸到LA出席迪士尼電影《花木蘭》首映。現年17歲嘅Jada就讀於美國知名高中Phillips Academy,不時喺IG上載生活照,看似性格相當開朗,但原來佢曾經有嚴重抑鬱。日前她在IG透露自己正因新冠肺炎(新型冠狀病毒、COVID-19)隔離,面臨抑鬱症復發,更表示:「我以為過不了這一關。」

《花木蘭》在洛杉磯舉行了全球首映禮,李連杰帶同兩位女兒一同盛裝出席。(Getty Image)

李連杰同利智育有兩女,大女Jane同細女Jada已經長得亭亭玉立,之前更陪爸爸到LA出席迪士尼電影《花木蘭》首映。現年17歲嘅Jada就讀於美國知名高中Phillips Academy,不時喺IG上載生活照,看似性格相當開朗,但原來佢曾經有嚴重抑鬱。呢日佢喺IG透露自己正因新冠肺炎(新型冠狀病毒、COVID-19)隔離,面臨抑鬱症復發,更表示:「我以為過不了這一關。」





Hey everyone, I hope you’re all safe where you are! Despite the lighthearted selfies, this is a more serious message that you can feel free to skip. I’m so incredibly grateful to be in a position where I’m safe and secure during such an uncertain time. It’s important for me to acknowledge my privilege. Isolation has really taken a toll on my mental health. I’ve had a long history with anxiety and major depression, and I’m currently experiencing a pretty bad relapse, something I thought I had left in the past. I am lucky enough to have access to professional help. I want to use this space to let you all know that if you’re experiencing anything similar, you’re not alone. Mental issues like COVID-19 anxiety are real and valid. There are many good crisis hotlines and websites to turn to if you have access to the internet. I believe in your strength and your ability to get through this. If you’re not experiencing any of this, please check in on your friends and loved ones and make sure they’re doing okay because no one should go through this alone. #mentalhealthmatters
