[韓樂園]NCT 127《Cherry Bomb》遭禁播 是兒歌?還是暴力惹爭議


昨天大家在《SMTOWN Special Stage in Hong Kong》看畢SM家族的表演後有沒有被迷倒呢?NCT 127雖然是Super Junior D&E、藝聲、Luna@f(x)、EXO、Red Velvet的師弟,但他們絕對一點也不遜色啊!今天「01韓迷」就要和大家說說NCT 127在6月推出的新歌《Cherry Bomb》。

NCT 127的第三張迷你專輯《NCT #127 Cherry Bomb》宣傳照。(網上圖片)

《Cherry Bomb》收錄在NCT 127的第三張迷你專輯《NCT #127 Cherry Bomb》中,成員泰容和Mark更參與了這張專輯5首歌的創作,當中主打歌《Cherry Bomb》也是由泰容和Mark作詞。道英曾經表示《Cherry Bomb》包含了不同的音樂風格,也是一首很容易聽上癮的歌曲!

《Cherry Bomb》遭KBS電視台《Music Bank》(音樂銀行)禁播。

這首歌曲曾因為歌詞問題而被KBS電視台的《Music Bank》(音樂銀行)禁播,KBS指出因為《Cherry Bomb》歌詞含有暴力和殘忍的內容,例如:「Head shot Pop」和「기분 죽이네」(心情太棒了)。因為「기분 죽이네」中,「죽」這一字有「死」的意思,所以因而引起爭論!當然,《Cherry Bomb》的爭議只是其中一部分。《Cherry Bomb》中也有意想不到的地方,就好像「If you are happy and you know it clap your hands」是源自兒歌《If You're Happy and You Know It》,可見也有童真的一面。

想知道更多NCT 127的新消息,就記得要留意「01韓迷」稍後為NCTzen(NCT粉絲)送上的專訪啊!

最吸引到NCTzen(NCT粉絲)的,相信還是NCT 127最擅長的高難度舞蹈啊!NCT 127成員泰容、道英、楷燦Johnny和Winwin更有一段把肩膀和背部用力地撞到地板上的舞蹈!相信NCTzen也很心痛吧!沒關係,只要NCTzen繼續支持NCT 127,他們的努力就沒有白費了!「01韓迷」稍後會為NCTzen送上NCT 127的香港專訪,想看看成員們的趣事和他們的獨家高清大圖就記得要留意我們啊!

NCT 127 -《Cherry Bomb》韓中歌詞翻譯

빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
시간이 됐지 반드시
時間到了 一定要
I'mma do ma thang
대기실 앞은 바글거려
다들 눈 못 떼
모두 따라와 yo
全都跟上來 yo
hands up in the air
We back get away
이제 막 터질거야 everywhere
現在就要爆炸 everywhere
나를 삼켜봐 그리곤 느낀 stomach
吞掉我吧並且感覺到 stomach
꽤 오래 절여진 Cherry Bomb
醃漬很久的 Cherry Bomb
언제 언제 터질지 몰라
popping your head
like 킹스맨 Chip
like 金牌特務 Chip
no fireman 이건 fireworks
no fireman 這是 fireworks
cherries in the sky high
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands yo in this beat
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands in this beat
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit
모두 다 쉿
全都 噓
터지기 직전의 스릴
It tastes like a cherry bomb
쉽게 보다가는 큰일 나
이미 넌 빠져들어 가
팽창하는 지금 폭발 직전인 기분죽이네
現在膨脹了 爆炸之前的心情太棒了
do do that

노랠 불러야지 na na na
喚起歌曲 na na na
꽂힌 안전핀들 다 뽑아냈지
다 깜짝 놀라겠지 모두가
we gonna make it
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands yo in this beat
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands in this beat
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
끝이 어디인지
어디까지 갈 수 있는지
이제 시작해 just the half of it
現在才是開始 just the half of it
뒷걸음질 치는 모습 it’s over
後退卻步的樣子 it’s over
떠들기 바쁜 세상 속에
갇혀 헤매고 싶지는 않아
단 한번의 불꽃으로 내 전불 태워
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit
Uh Hard rock Scalp
Head shot Pop
No talk 어딜 가나 숙이는 삶
No talk 不管去哪都低著頭的人生
주변 탐색하는 자들께 박수
Ay 너네 덕에
Ay 託你的福
분명히 정신을 차렸네
쫓기는 거 싫어서
이젠 앞에서 말해
허리는 너 앞에서 안 굽힐게
Keep watching
맨날 보기를 바래
Hater hater talk talk
뭘 먹어도 너네껀 소화 잘돼
Take a fist or stone or a gunshot
독해져 버린 NINE
變毒的 NINE
받아봐 cherry bomb
接住吧 cherry bomb
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands yo in this beat
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands
If you are happy and you know it
clap your hands Yeah
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
빨리빨리 피해 right
快點 快點 躲開 right
cherry bomb feel it yum
nanana nanana
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
nanana nanana
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage
nanana nanana
어서 빨리 피해 right Cherry Bomb
快點 快點 躲開 right Cherry Bomb
nanana nanana
어서 빨리 피해 right Cherry Bomb
快點 快點 躲開 right Cherry Bomb
I’m the biggest hit
I’m the biggest hit on this stage

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