「翻版關之琳」Jocelyn闊別IG兩年終回歸 曬全家福介紹一生摯愛


有「翻版關之琳」之稱的37歲混血名模Jocelyn Luko去年與老公Anthony離港返回家鄉夏威夷定居,闊別社交平台兩年半的Jocelyn今日(17/12)終於回歸,並向大家介紹她的一生摯愛。

闊別社交平台兩年半的Jocelyn終於回歸,並向大家介紹她的一生最愛。(IG/ @jocelynlukosandstrom)

01最賞睇娛樂大獎」即日起至12月23日接受投票喇,答埋簡單問題,隨時贏最新5G手機12 Pro!

她在IG上載一家三口的溫馨全家福宣布重回社交平台,並向網民介紹她可愛的囝囝Bodhi:「After a much needed 2 1/2 year break from social media, I’m back & I’ve missed everyone! I would love to introduce you to the love of my life, my Bodhi. I never knew I could love so much until this lil man came into my life! Everyday with him is an adventure and a blessing and I am forever grateful that this angel has been sent to me! Happy holidays from our family to yours!(闊別社交平台兩年半後,我回來了並想念大家。向你們介紹我的一生摯愛Bodhi,跟他一起是冒險、也是祝福,感恩這位天使的到來!)」網民歡迎Jocelyn的回歸更大讚囝囝Bodhi靚仔又可愛。


