何雁詩透露BB六月出世未改名 媽媽操刀影仙氣孕照鄭俊弘派心打氣



Stephanie化上漂亮的妝容,穿起白色吊帶露背長裙,散發成熟女人味。(IG/ @honganc)

Stephanie的帖文如下:「Becoming a mama means countless changes in the body and not all of them are glamorous, on most days I’m fine with it knowing that I’m growing something beautiful but on some days I don’t really feel myself. So I decided to do what a girl likes, play dress up! Another way of reassuring myself that just because my body is creating something great, doesn’t mean I need to lose myself. On a side note: Baby Cheng still doesn’t have a name yet? Suggestions anyone? Photo taken by porpor (my mom) @ home. #6monthspregnant #3moretogo」。
