【2017 DSE應試系列】英文書信:陳方安生的求性信是官式文書典範

撰文:Davis Choi

撰文:Davis Choi(作者為現職中學英文科老師)

前特首曾蔭權琅璫入獄,被定罪時曾交多封前高官和社會名流的求情信,當中以前政務司司長陳方安生一封最令人深刻。短短三百字的求情信,陳方安生用詞優雅、簡潔有力、公整,是官式文書(formal writing)的典範。


Formulaic expressions – 套語,類似中文的俚語,令用詞更優雅。

Paired Words – 英文常用的例子有checks and balances, raining cats and dogs, wine and dine等。

Hendiatris (Rule of 3) – 用3組詞來描述一個中心思想, 如lock, stock and barrel; get, set, go; judge, jury and executioner等。

Structure – 像詩詞般的ABCBA 格式,也是聖經裡常見的段落分佈 (不知道是有心還是無意,但文中有指曾蔭權是虔誠的信徒,她自己也信天主教)。


【1】 I have known Mr. Donald Tsang, both as a colleague and as a friend, for the past fifty years. We worked particularly closely together for over five years when I was the Chief Secretary for Administration, and he was the Financial Secretary.

【2】 Mr. Tsang came from humble beginnings. Through demonstrated ability, sheer hard work and commitment, he rose through the ranks to become the head of the SAR government. He is the only officer in Hong Kong's history to have assumed all top three posts in the public service, namely Financial Secretary, Chief Secretary and Chief Executive. These appointments were not made lightly but had regard to his personal qualities, his ability and his commitment to the Hong Kong public. In his 45 years of service, he has made a significant and unique contribution to the well being of Hong Kong and to securing Hong Kong's position as China's pre-eminentfinancial and services centre. I single out particularly his successful handling of the 1998 financial crisis, at a time of political uncertainty for Hong Kong.

【3】 As a consequence of the current trial, the attendant publicity and the jury's verdict, 45 years of dedicated service has come to nought. His reputation is in ruins. Mr. Tsang, his wife and his family have endured a five year ordeal that few of us can even begin to appreciate. This is punishment in itself.

【4】 Mr. Tsang may be criticized for poor judgment but in all the years that we have been colleagues and close friends, I have never known him to commit a dishonest act. He is a staunch Catholic and a devoted husband and father.

【5】 I urge Your Honour to take all these factors into account when determining your sentence. I sincerely hope that you will not find it necessary to impose an immediate custodial sentence.

[1] 她與曾蔭權的關係 (熟識的人寫求情信才有效)
[2] 曾蔭權的奮鬥史和公職
[3] 判決帶來的影響
[4] 曾蔭權的個人品格
[5] 總結、Call to action

她在第二段裡面完美演繹General to Specific 這個概念:先說公職名銜(office held)、對香港的貢獻、再特別指出處理金融風暴的功勞。

全文中,我特別欣賞第三段末句: “This is punishment in itself.” (這五年來的折騰本身已是一種懲罰)。作為輕判的理據,字字鏗鏘,放在段末,留給讀者消化的空間。
