The Flashback《 Wintertime 》- 冬季無疾而終的感情


香港樂隊 The Flashback 在 2018 年推出首支單曲《 Replay 》後,一直密鑼緊鼓地推出新作品,除了推出了新歌《 Down By The River 》外,也參與了搶耳音樂廠牌計劃讓更多人認識。樂隊的又一新作《 Wintertime 》最近上線了,聽聽歌的同時,樂隊也分享了歌曲背後的點滴。

The Flashback 說:「《 Wintertime 》是在 2018 年冬天寫的第一首心碎情歌,作曲靈感來自 Bob Dylan 、Travis 及 Kings of Convenience,以及經典電影《情書》( The Letter ) 和《無痛失戀》( Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind )。例如副歌的第一句『 It’s a simple twist of emotion 』便是向  Bob Dylan 一曲《 Simple Twist of Fate 》致敬;『 I’m writing to reach you 』則是向 Travis 的作品《 Writing to Reach You 》致敬。」

這首歌原本只是主音 Season 在 Band 房即興玩、模仿 Kings of Convenience 的「二次創作」民謠歌曲,鼓手 Rocky 聽到後加入,以 math rock 風格用「 Linear 」的作法令歌曲改頭換面。歌曲早在 2018 年冬天完成,但完成之際已經過了聖誕,於是歌曲延遲到 2019 年聖誕節推出。

《 Wintertime 》的歌詞是關於香港男生遇上來自英國約克女生的愛情故事。以一個幼稚、性格倔強的男主角出發,訴說一段無疾而終的感情。兩人在冬天相遇、相戀;隨著夏天的離去,兩人卻在一年後的冬天分開了。

女生回到了英國,男生在香港那些充滿英國風味的街道( Westland Street、Harvest Street ) 思戀女生,不捨地尋找兩人之間那微妙、薄弱的連繫。回到兩人曾經一起住的蝸居,想起女生提起那家鄉的雪人、想起兩人曾經擁有過的承諾、妥協;坐到車子裡,想起兩人曾在後座連夜纏綿,然後在那聖誕前夕的晚上因為各種無聊的理由爭吵、分開,男生故作理性地問:「 Why can't you keep calm and listen? 」


「 在MV裡,我們轉以女生角度詮釋這個故事。」The Flashback 說。「即使男生已經離開了,女生仍不忘為他悉心打扮,在西環街道上等待著一個永遠不會出現的『他』。男生送他的玩偶、菲林相機、髮帶,她都不捨地保留著,試圖挽留一段消逝的感情。」

《 Wintertime 》歌詞

The cigarette, smoking whole day long
The snowman tells me how the thing has gone
“But you don’t have to feel sad,
the seasons change with no reason”
The harvest street, silence of the dead
Old country songs could take me whole day long
It’s time for me to move on her frown on my childish behavior
*The summertime has gone
Renew our compromises
You’ve left your house in York
Found me on Westland Street
Oh Rise and shine my lady
It’s a simple twist of emotion
When we met in Wintertime*
Cold turkey night, Christmas song has rang
The angel cries, no one can comprehend
What goes on under the scar? Or is it distance who tear us apart?
I’m holding on, for a brighter sunny day
I’m losing it inside the driving cab
Oh, why?
Feeling some emptiness inside yet
*The summertime has gone
We didn’t realize
The Scottish band came in
I’m writing to reach you
Oh Rise and shine my lady
It’s a simple twist of emotion
When we met in Wintertime*
*The summertime has gone
We didn’t realize
You’ve left your house in York
Reach the vanilla sky
Oh rise and shine my lady
I left nothing but mistakes to you*
Two lovers on the street kissing dusk till dawn
Three more weeks they have to say the hollow last goodbye
Yes I know, I have “did wrong”
But why you can’t ever keep calm and listen
We wind up in Wintertime