The Cranberries主音Dolores O'Riordan逝世 《Dreams》成絕響


愛爾蘭傳奇樂隊The Cranberries女主音Dolores O'Riordan周一(15日)在倫敦為新歌錄音時突然逝世,終年46歲。The Creanberries有多首名作如《Zombies》、《Dreams》、《Linger》、《Promises》等等,其中《Dreams》更被王菲改編成《夢中人》。


The Cranberries的公關周一表示,Dolores在倫敦為歌曲錄音期間逝世,暫時未知死因。
(The lead singer with the Irish band The Cranberries was in London for a short recording session.No further details are available at this time.)

Dolores O'Riordan的逝世突然,她於上月仍然有在社交網站發文,表示在Billboard員工派對上演出愉快,她寫道:「Hi All, Dolores here. Feeling good! I did my first bit of gigging in months at the weekend, performed a few songs at the Billboard annual staff holiday party in New York with the house band. Really enjoyed it! Happy Christmas to all our fans!! Xo」Dolores O'Riordan的死訊傳出後,樂迷紛紛在此帖文留言致哀,表示無法接受消息,現在只能希望她可以安息。

外媒報道指Dolores O'Riordan生前受躁鬱症困擾,於14年曾面對刑事起訴,同年與結婚20年的丈夫Don Burton離異,二人育有3名子女。