蓬佩奧:台灣一直非中國一部分 美國對台承諾跨越黨派


美國國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)稱台灣非中國一部分,過去35年美國兩黨政府所遵循的政策也承認這件事。他說美國對台承諾跨越黨派,兩黨都了解台灣是民主典範。

美國國務卿蓬佩奧今天上午接受電台節目修伊特秀(Hugh Hewitt Show)訪問,談論諸多中國、台灣相關議題。


蓬佩奧回應表示,談論這議題用詞正確很重要,台灣一直不是中國一部分,前總統列根(Ronald Reagan)政府為制定對台政策所做的工作也承認(recognize)這件事,過去35年美國兩黨政府皆遵循這些政策。

...it's always important to get the language right. Taiwan has not been a part of China, and that was recognized with the work that the Reagan administration did to lay out the policies that the United States has adhered to now for three and a half decades, and done so under both administrations.


No, I actually think this is in fact bipartisan. I think the central understandings that this is a model for democracy, that the people who live on Taiwan ought to be honored by having the Chinese live up to the commitments that they have made – I think this is something that both parties can agree to.


And I hope that this will continue for as long as it’s the case that the Chinese and the Taiwanese can’t figure their way through this. We ought to honor the commitments that have been made and we have a set of obligations. You’ve seen our announcements with respect to weapon sales to Taiwan to assist in their defense capabilities. All of these things are designed to live up to the promises that have been made between, frankly, China and the Taiwanese people.

美國總統列根在1982年對台灣提出「六項保證」(Six Assurances),分別是美國未同意設定終止對台軍售的日期、未同意就對台軍售議題向中國徵詢意見、不會在台灣與中國之間擔當斡旋角色、未同意修訂《台灣關係法》、未改變關於台灣主權的立場、不會對台施壓並要求台灣與中國進行談判。