吳彥祖親揭21年前影全裸封面真相 隱藏浪漫故事更自此改變一生


男神吳彥祖 (Daniel) 雖已年屆47歲,但他依然充滿魅力,少年時代的他更是顏值逆天得可以迷倒全城女生。今日他就於IG分享了他21年前影下的全裸雜誌封面照,讓大家重溫他狀態巔峰時期到底是有多吸引!


Daniel留言表示:「Reaching into the archives here. I shot this Oct 2000 City Magazine cover when I was a wee young lad. It made a lot of waves with this “nude” cover. I wasn’t actually nude, I was wearing a g string that they airbrushed out. Not sure if that is any better, BUT this cover was especially significant because it was the first time my wife @thelisa_s saw me. She said she was coming off the Star Ferry in Hong Kong and it stopped her dead in her tracks. We finally met in person a year later and now we’ve been together for 19 years and have our beautiful daughter Raven. This is proof that something can set off a chain of events that can change your life forever. 」

他指出自己在2000 年 10 月拍攝了這張封面照,但實際上他當時並非全裸上陣的,而是穿著了一條g弦內褲。這個封面對他來說特別重要和有意義,因為這是他的太太Lisa S.第一次見到他。Lisa說她正從天星小輪上下來,因為看到了Daniel這個封面而令她停下了腳步。一年後他們終於見面了,現在兩人已經在一起 19 年了,有了他們美麗的女兒 Raven。這證明某些事情可以引發一連串的事件,這些事件可以永遠改變你的生活。
