




正在英國的林約希在短訊表示,對未能出席明天的重要場合感到抱歉,但精神上會在地球的另一端支持母親。他提到,去年12月知悉母親參選時,會犧牲她與父親相處的時間,(I knew immediately that this was a huge sacrifice for both you and Dad),但知道母親是為了全心全意服務香港,正如自己不確定自我時,會有林鄭在旁一樣。林約希祝願母親好運,又指自己是她最強大的支持者。


Tomorrow is Election Day, and I am sorry that I cannot make it back home for this important occasion. Although I will not be there physically, you know that I will be supporting you in spirit on the other side of the world. When you told me in December that you were going to run for this job, I knew immediately that this was a huge sacrifice for both you and Dad, but also that you were determined to serve Hong Kong further, just as you have done for the whole of your adult life. I know you will try your very hardest and be there for the people of Hong Kong, just as you were there for me in times when I felt alone and unsure of myself. I wish you the very best of luck and I will always be your biggest fan.