【周庭被DQ】歐盟聲明稱決定削港自由開放聲譽 有違國際公約





此外,法政匯思亦發表聲明指,對周庭參選港島補選的提名無效感到驚愕,認為該決定不單不公正地剝奪了憲法上賦予該名被提名人的參選權,更不公平地限制了香港市民投票予心儀候選人的權利。 聲明又稱,選舉主任的決策過程全不透明,官員作風獨斷,程序亦自相矛盾,用以判定一個參選人是否真心「擁護《基本法》」及「誓言效忠香港特別行政區」的準則及證據完全不清晰,質疑有些參選人即使沒有簽署確認書,例如參選建測規園界補選的司馬文,但其提名亦被視為有效。

Statement by the Spokesperson on the decision to bar Agnes Chow from running for a Legislative Council by-election

The decision by a Hong Kong returning officer to bar Agnes Chow from running for a Legislative Council by-election on the basis of her political affiliation, subsequently supported by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, risks diminishing Hong Kong's international reputation as a free and open society.

The protection of civil and political rights in Hong Kong is an essential part of the implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, which the EU supports. Barring candidates from standing for election because of their political beliefs is in contradiction with the right under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, whose application is guaranteed in Hong Kong by the Hong Kong Bill of Rights, to stand for election without unreasonable restrictions.