小一叩門攻略2023|英文叩門信範例參考 想增勝算必備呢3樣嘢

撰文:Spencer Lam

升小一叩門攻略 面試英文信參考小一放榜後,小朋友能順利入讀心儀學校固然開心,但假若未被取錄,家長亦可選擇「叩門」。但網上資料花多眼亂,相信不少家長都十分迷惘,因此今日學博教育的Spencer Sir為大家綜合資料並為大家介紹叩門攻略和所需文件,並附錄一篇英文叩門信,給大家參考。
【編按:作者為Spencer Sir】








叩門凖備文件 「8+3」


1. 小朋友出世紙副本

2. 父母/ 監護人身份證副本

3. 證件相

4. 派位表格

5. 幼稚園成績表

6. 證書/ 獎狀

7. 貼足郵票的回郵信封

8. 小朋友領洗紙 (如有)

另外可準備: (提高叩門成功率)

1. 英文叩門信:需電腦打印,可參考下方例子。

2. 個人檔案:包括基本個人資料、學業成績、參與過的活動或比賽(連同獎項和證書副本)以及專長。

3. 推薦信(如有):需自行尋求校監、校長、名人、牧師等相關人士幫忙寫推薦信。


Mr. / Miss / Mrs. (XXXX)

The Principal

(The school name)

Dear Mr. / Ms/ Mrs. (XXXX),

I am writing to apply for the admission of my (son/daughter) to your school in the coming 2022-23 academic year.

Our (son / daughter), (child’s name) has applied to your school for Primary 1 admission during the Discretionary Phase (Application Form No. XXX, number XXX), and we have also placed your school as the [1st] choice in the Central Allocation Phase, as we are highly impressed by your School Motto – XXXX. We are also impressed by the teachers at your school who have nurtured the students with genuine enthusiasm. We are therefore keenly interested in enrolling our (son/daughter) in your school.

XXXX is currently studying in XXXX Kindergarten. (He / She) enjoys (child’s hobby). Our (son / daughter) is honest, independent and has a bright character with a sense of curiosity. (He / She) has won (XXX awards) in (XXX competition). On top of that, he/she [has attended / is attending] piano classes at XX Music and English Phonics Course at [XXX centre].

We would be most grateful if (child’s name) could be given a chance for an interview so that you could have a more comprehensive understanding of (him/her). Please find enclosed a copy of the application form, (his/her) profile and copies of (his/her) awards, certificates, academic reports and photos.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Yours sincerely,

(Parent’s name)

註1: 建議家長可為小朋友個別情況而準備此叩門信 - 以上信件只作參考

註2: 可列舉2-3項 小朋友的獎項或特別經歷,但不宜寫過多

註3: 建議家長可瀏覽學校的網站,針對學校的教學理念/特點而準備此叩門信
